When do you need to bring in a Certified Industrial Hygienist, CIH?
OSHA has required air or noise sampling, they only accept sampling data from a CIH. Your concerns are related to employee exposures to chemicals on site, especially when chemical exposures include: Adverse health effects that are not immediately apparent, such as cancer or reproductive hazards. You are planning a process and need to identify hazards […]
The Long Term Use of Air and Noise Sampling Records
It is not unusual for an employer to be aware of the employee exposure sampling requirements of standards such as 1910.95 Occupational Noise Exposure, or 1910.1026 Hexavalent Chromium. However, many employers are unaware that this sampling triggers the documentation content and duration requirements of 1910.1020. The records must contain sufficient data to meet the requirements […]
Noise, Adverse Effects, and OSHA Compliance
Noise is one of the most common occupational hazards in any industry. While the manufacturing sector is 13% of the American workforce this sector has 72% of all recordable hearing loss cases. Not only does the employee suffer from reduced or lost hearing our economy loses an estimated $242 Million/year in worker’s compensation for the […]