829 E Minor Street

Appleton, WI 54911

19716 Firesteel Rd

Ontonagon, MI 49953


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noise/hearing loss prevention

  • Identify and select the correct criteria for assessing noise exposure
  • Review historical exposure information (if available) to develop a sampling strategy
  • Select the most appropriate equipment for sampling
  • Use the equipment correctly to collect the appropriate types of data
  • Interpret the results of the noise sampling to identify areas, employees or processes associated with excessive noise exposure
  • Determine if supplemental sampling (such as octave band sampling) needs to take place to identify specific noise sources
  • Store all exposure data in a way that can be easily accessed and analyzed by authorized personnel in the future
  • Work with management, vendors or consultants to determine if it is possible or feasible to implement engineering controls to control noise exposure
  • Train (and retrain) workers on when and how to use the proper personal protection equipment
  • Promptly report any standard threshold shifts
  • Communicate the results of noise monitoring and audiometric testing to all relevant parties (management, unions and/or workers)
  • Work effectively and honestly with other stakeholders to achieve the stated goals of the hearing conservation program
  • Review exposure data and reassess exposure periodically or when work patterns change
  • Educate workers on the hazards of excessive noise exposure both inside and outside the workplace
  • Conduct audiometric testing in compliance with all applicable regulations and retain the records for future review