829 E Minor Street

Appleton, WI 54911

19716 Firesteel Rd

Ontonagon, MI 49953


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Practical Safety and Health Solutions

Providing customers with the necessary services to assess employee exposures and information to assist in the reduction or elimination of potential issues.


It’s HERE!!

The Practical Safety Software Tools!

Digital Store

With our first app: the DOT Hazardous Materials Shipping Paper!

AND our first Indepth Chemical Technical pages providing science geek level information for your average Safety manager.

Keep a sharp eye out for our upcoming first eBook: Tutorial System: Hazard Communication Program.  Less than an hour after working this system and it’s like you had an in-depth lesson from an OSHA Compliance Officer who sat beside you while you customized your written program and training presentation.

Also upcoming are:

  • more Tutorial System eBooks,
  • apps to improve efficiency and accuracy, as well as
  • Checklists for standard compliance

Assess & Ensure The Safety Of Your Employees Today

Practical Safety and Health Solutions

Two Simple Principles.

While hazard assessments, control selections and regulations can seem complex and daunting we specialize in breaking it down into simple, prioritized tasks.


Tools for the Safety Manager